
“After a great deal of time spent travelling in China, reading about China and thinking deep thoughts about China, I have come to the conclusion that the most profound thing one can say about it is this: China is exceedingly big.”
David Pilling, Financial Times
Following up on the earlier news of more Chinese rate hike speculations, we present what is arguably the most comprehensive summary of the country that conventional wisdom sees as becoming the world's biggest economy within a decade, and less than conventional wisdom sees as the biggest bubble in the history of the world. As report authors HSBC point out: "What emerges from this guide is a more complex picture of China than even many experts have assumed. For anyone hoping to conclude a business deal in China it offers this message: don’t assume you only have to deal with decision-makers in Beijing. You must also make sure local officials are on your side. Whether you are a China expert or a mere beginner, we hope you enjoy what follows." Must read for everyone (especially Americans) to get a sense of what the future rulers of the world will be like.
Some of the key observations:
What are the report's implications in a nutshell:
What does it mean for China’s future when local officials have widespread powers over land sales, infrastructure, commercial and residential property construction, natural resource exploration and foreign direct investment?
First, sizzling growth should continue for at least another five years. Local governments have managed to beat Beijing’s growth targets by a few percentage points every year since 1980. Published data for the coming 12th Five-Year Plan from 2011 to 2015 show most provinces remain ambitious in their targets.
Second, these growth ambitions have increased inter-regional competition. Provinces have far more ambitious plans for the expansion of their rail networks and clean energy activities than those stipulated by national targets. In some cases, the local target is double the national one. One reason for this is that to get promoted in China, you have to outperform your peers.
The danger, however, is that over-investment leads to overcapacity. For example, Kunshan’s strong position in IT is being challenged by the municipality of Chongqing. Together they could soon supply 80 per cent of the world’s notebook PCs – raising concentration risks as well as oversupply concerns.
Third, overcapacity may lead to bad credits. For example, a recent report submitted by the China Academy of Science to the State Council raised concerns about unsustainable debt levels and the risk of loss-making activities. It noted that the 1,000km Wuhan to Guangzhou bullet train, which started operating earlier this year, was running at less than half its capacity and would never make enough money to pay off the loans used to finance it.
Fourth, policies at the centre risk being less effective if they are quietly resisted by local authorities. Beijing launched its fierce crackdown on property speculation in April – and yet eight months on, not only have prices barely moved downwards, volumes actually rose again in September and October. Not a single city has rolled out the much expected property tax. Vested interests have also blunted Beijing’s repeated calls for consolidation in the country’s iron and steel industry.
9. Björn Melin
Saison S T A Pkt +/- Pen
2010/2011 5 2 2 4 +1 0
Precis hemkomna från Huihai Lu (lyxshopping) med varsin kostym : )
The cold front responsible for the current cold snap is set to be the strongest so far this year, and yesterday the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau issued a blue cold wave alert, the lowest of a four-level system.
The bureau warned that the mercury could drop by 8 to 10 degrees Celsius within 48 hours, with the wind reaching 50 kilometers per hour.
Forecasters warned locals, especially those who work indoors, not to be fooled by the mild temperatures yesterday morning.
Officials said the mercury reached a high of 14 degrees in the morning. By 2pm it plunged to 10.4 degrees, 8.4 degrees lower than the same time on Sunday.
Tog knappt några kort från julbordet men här kommer några.
Hemma från Julbordet! Ja vad ska man säga...svenskt julbord...njae...fusk...men gott! Riktigt lyxigt upplagt med choklad fontäner och grejjer.
Ligger och vilar i väntan på svenskt julbord! Det är väl i fullgång hemma antar jag. Har kanske redan berättat om det men vi ska på Julbord med svenska kockar. De som står bakom det hela är Young Professionals här i Shanghai. Har inte besökt deras "träffar" än så det kan bli kul att träffa ännu fler svenskar : ) (många svenskar här)
Vaknade sliten efter en lång dag/kväll/natt igår. Det var lyckat föresten. Vi började med bowling, som gick sådär för mig, sen åkte vi vidare till stans bästa Thai ställe, Thai Coconut. Underbart gott! Eller hur morsan/brorsan?
Fick igång visning av statistik igår. Såg att 16 personer besökt min blogg under dagen! Nu blir man lite nervös, får skärpa till sig och höja kvaliten.
Knackade på en kille i onsdags när vi hade lektion. Han arbetade som Casting director assistant för en Hollywood film och sökte ett gäng vita killar som kunde rida häst. Ha ha ha...möjligheternas land!
Nu finns det lite nytt på bloggen som ni kan läsa till kaffet om ett par timmar : ) här är kl. 10.20 (f.m) och solen värmer stan!